Guest Posted September 9, 2006 Share Posted September 9, 2006 So I was set to launch my store on monday and doind some dry runs and all of a sudden in my categories box all the defalt categories poped up! Know not only that but when you click on them they seend you to a store that I have no relation to. On his page the catogories are set to the defalt, how ever his index.php?cPath=23 there are my categories. I have pasted my souce code it see fi there is a simple fix. Any help is great. 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Guest Posted September 9, 2006 Share Posted September 9, 2006 It is a problem on shared servers, you are using the same cache as another store. Change your tmp and cache directory names to something different. I did it a LONG time ago so that is all the help I can be. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AtalantaWebDesign Posted October 26, 2006 Share Posted October 26, 2006 Yes- This is accurate. I had the same issue and found out you need include the FULL SERVER PATH (create a tmp directory if not done already) Mine looked something like this: /vservers/***accountname***/htdocs/tmp/ I would also verify permissions on this directory.... I finally found a problem I could assist with (rather than n always recieving great info!) I got to give back this time :-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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