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The e-commerce.

where can i find the stylesheets????


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the stylesheet is not in your admin, it is a file in your catalog folder. You really should have a good PHP editor such as Frontpage or Dreamweaver. There are also some free/cheaper ones that I am sure a Serch Engine can find.

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some lad


i brought it off ebay :-"

haha thats funny. i donno why.


anyways, your stylesheet is right where it should be....here http://www.hooliganfootagedvds.com/catalog/stylesheet.css


you need to ftp into your site then edit the stylesheet with a text editor of some sort, then re-upload it.


java roaster...frontpage? im just gonna assume you have a sick sense of humor. :mellow:

What? Yeah, I can do that.

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If you are using an FTP program you can find the stylesheet in teh root directory.


Open it into an editing program (or into notepad if you hand code) and you can make the changes in there.

You can also access it by logging into http://www.hooliganfootagedvds.com/admin/

and look under tools / file manager and then look for the file called stylesheet.css

It is there in the main directory.

Click it and then click "edit"

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java roaster...frontpage? im just gonna assume you have a sick sense of humor.


I was just listing options. I use DW :thumbsup:


and look under tools / file manager and then look for the file called stylesheet.css

It is there in the main directory.

Click it and then click "edit"


Never use file manager to edit files. I can mess them up. Download a PHP editor and use that, it will make life a lot easier.

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I was just listing options. I use DW :thumbsup:

id reccomend writing code with a sharpie on you monitor before id recommend frontpage.....ok maybe thats a bit harsh. dreamweaver yay.

Never use file manager to edit files. I can mess them up. Download a PHP editor and use that, it will make life a lot easier.

i doubt his permissions are set right to do that anyways. i hope.

What? Yeah, I can do that.

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One of the things I do when I setup an new oscommerce site is, using my html editor, I publish from the server to my local computer.


It makes editing the PHP files a lot easier, plus I have a local backup of ALL the work if something really disatrous should happen to the server.

Just between us, remember there are only 10 kinds of people in the world; those who understand binary and those who don't!!


Remember, learning is a "do-it-yourself" experience; although, not necessarily a "do-it-BY-yourself" experience.


The quickest way to learn is to forget to BACKUP!

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the stylesheet is not in your admin, it is a file in your catalog folder. You really should have a good PHP editor such as Frontpage or Dreamweaver. There are also some free/cheaper ones that I am sure a Serch Engine can find.

Both dreamweaver and frontpage are html editors and simulate only html. I dont really know about frntpage, but dreamweaver offers nothing more than notepad does when it comes to php editting, other than a very horrible syntax scheme, and some of its features are bulky(like search,etc) when it comes to programming/hacking in php. And while i suggest you get a WYSIWYG html editor just for the creating your products, the last thing i recommend is using one for playing with php. And the version i have DWmx doesn't even have a compare file feature, which would have been one thing that i would have expected it to have that i could have found useful.

Its just my personal opinion that DW and FP and every other WYSIWYG editor is overated when it comes to the more complicated thing, though they handle simple html very well.



Menou and unome

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And another thing......dreamweaver, frontpage, cuteftp, etc.....are rubbish when it comes to ftp'ing' your files to and from a webserver. They frequently corrupt files or do other unwanted things. It is better to use specialised ftp programs like Filezilla or coreFTP (both are free) for your ftp'ing', instead of weak, non-specialised ones. This isn't just my opinion but has been said by many of the more experienced users as well.



Menou and unome

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Sorry, just feel like ranting today^^, but i hope some of you will take my advice.

drewmweaver 8 is much different than MX. just fyi.


im very impatient and like to do things really fast and with the fewest keystrokes possible, so my practices might be horrible...i use transmit (ftp client for macs) right-click on the file or files i want to alter, choose 'edit in dreamweaver8', make my changes and command-S. done. :thumbsup:

What? Yeah, I can do that.

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Never use file manager to edit files. I can mess them up. Download a PHP editor and use that, it will make life a lot easier.


I just suggested that in case he/she didn't know how to use an editor or FTP program. I never assume anything. I don't use any of those programs for editing, I use notepad and handcode and I use WSFTP to upload so someone trying to tell me how to use a program would be talking in latin lol

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