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The e-commerce.

Fresh Install


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OK Folks...Sit back and be patient.


I'm walking into a can of worms and need lots of help.


I took over probably more than I thought I was. I took over a half started web store and would like to know my best option. Try to salvage what is here, or delete it and do a fresh install.


I think the latter would be best as I'm not certain what ( if any ) previous passwords or accounts were in this installation.


On a fresh install my #1 question would where to upload it, Does it matter what I name it? So long as I remember what I named it?


Will the store have a URL of http://www.myserver.com or will it be http://www.myserver.com/storename


It appears the software is preloaded on the server. I get really lost on where to upload it


I will be needing lots of help...Mostly in set-up


I thank you all.

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Thank You.


Ok next step. I'm at install doing everything correctly and hit my first block


Step 2


I get this error message:


Access denied for user: 'memindex@localhost' to database 'osc1'


I thought I successfully created the Dbase in my PHP control panel

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Ignore that last post...Had a brain fart.


I spent most the night getting this up & running and I'm patting myself on the back. I've got most of the Highlighted Pink to go away. The one I'm working on now is:


Error: Backup directory does not exist. Please set this in configure.php.


I've searched the entire file and found nothing about DIR_FS_BACKUP.


Is this something I need to add/configure manually in the file? I just figured it would be a default I only need to edit. Do I need to create a directory named DIR_FS_BACKUP"


Thank You again. ( I start my work week Monday...Ya won't be hearing from me for a few days )

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