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Resizing images that does categories too?


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Is there a contribution that will resize thumbnails for categories as well as products? Or do people just upload smaller images for the category page?


Also this one:


says that transparency on .gifs aren't supported. Does that include things other than products, like icons and such?



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unless I don't totally understand your question, you set the sizes in admin / configuration / images

and then set the sizes for your images.


you only upload one image (the enlarge image size) and the rest are scaled accordingly.


If you want a fixed width image put that value in and leave the height blank (not 0) and vice versa, fixed height = value (width blank)

one-click installation..

Dave's info

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unless I don't totally understand your question, you set the sizes in admin / configuration / images

and then set the sizes for your images.


you only upload one image (the enlarge image size) and the rest are scaled accordingly.


If you want a fixed width image put that value in and leave the height blank (not 0) and vice versa, fixed height = value (width blank)



With the default installation, images are resized by the browser, so full size images get downloaded from the server which takes time.


There are contributions which resize the product thumbnails, so they are small in file size for download when thumbs are needed. However, the one I tried so far only did product thumbs, and not category thumbs.


So my question was about this other contribution that sounded better.


Also, I would like subdirectories for my product images. I am trying out a contribution but getting parse problems - anyone else have a better solution?

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