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The e-commerce.

Up for Review!(again!)


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I have just relaunched my website and have changed the look and feel since my site was last reviewed.


I have started to get the odd sale but am still way off from breaking even on the difference between advertising on adwords/overture.


I know I have a serious issue with PayPal who require a home telephone number to be entered on the payment screen which I think has turned away 3 good customers this week so far.


Anyway please feel free to tear my site to shreds :D


You can find this at www.peachesandplums.co.uk (contains mild adult content ie lingerie and toys)


All feedback welcome!


All the best





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Thanks chance! I feel honoured to be mentioned in your blog (even if it is for the wrong reason!) :thumbsup:


Excellent article!


I agree the descriptions in the lingerie section need beefing up a bit, however i am currently working on the descriptions for the toys more than anything... Next thing is to find some independant reviews on these products and pop these on the info screen too, that'll stop people leacing my site(fingers crossed).


Another tip before choosing a supplier make sure that they can deliver as promised, it took me two months to add around 600 products and optimising for the search engines, now i've switched supplier and have had to readd my entire catologue! :(


Has anyone got any comments regarding navigation, speed, operation on IE5/Safari ( i havent got a mac),checkout etc or if anyone can spot any major issue.


I have so far tested on IE6, netscape 8.1, firefox 5.0



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Thanks chance! I feel honoured to be mentioned in your blog (even if it is for the wrong reason!)


It wasn't for the wrong reason- I thought your site was worth mentioning.


The only thing about your site that kinda irks me is the category tree- The DHTML fly-out menu is alright, but the link colors don't match the rest of your site. All your other links are black/underlined and turn pink on hover, and your cat menu is this harsh blue color that clashes with the rest of your site IMO.


Also, its interesting that you have removed the "contact us" page. I see you have a phone number, which is great, but what was your motivation for removing the contact form so people can email you?

My advice comes in two flavors- Pick the one that won't offend you.


Hard and Cynical: How to Make a Horrible osCommerce Site


Warm and Fuzzy: How to Make an Awesome osCommerce Site

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Yeah I'm not overly happy with the category tree, i'm toying with reinstating the original infobox as i think it hinders navigation slightly. I've changed the text colour to black to complement the rest of the site, the reason I chose a different colour to make it stand out, but I've made the change and it looks much better. :)


I'm intending to put the contact us page on the product info screen so that people have the option on almost every page to give me feedback about a particular product, ie "have you seen this cheaper elswhere"(as part of a price promise) or other general stuff like problems with the site, missing links etc.


I'm gonna spend the next month or ten optimising the site further before going live again, but at least i've now tested the water! I thought the site was almost finished 2 months ago when you commented on it last!


Thanks for your help!



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This is a personal feedback (and English is NOT my natural language, so feel free to understand the comments as positive one's)


Your site is very well organized, which is perfect for industrial spare parts. It just does not look like an adult play ground.

It is pretty hard to impement that, I am still trying my best to do that on our sites (Fetish and High Heels).


It took me a while to see that your top line was not for different categories, but functions. There are so many that I did not take a second look.


My personal taste is that you use too many different colours, the buttons have nothing to do with the rest of the site. But that is just my personal opinion, ok?


From a technical point of view, I would recommend, that you include .htacceess security to your admin directory, only an administrator login may be too weak to protect your customer data.


I hope that help's


Greetings from Germany, Michael

Not because it is difficult we don't dare to do it, but because we don't dare to do it, it is difficult. (Seneca)

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I have just relaunched my website and have changed the look and feel since my site was last reviewed.


I have started to get the odd sale but am still way off from breaking even on the difference between advertising on adwords/overture.


I know I have a serious issue with PayPal who require a home telephone number to be entered on the payment screen which I think has turned away 3 good customers this week so far.


Anyway please feel free to tear my site to shreds :D


You can find this at www.peachesandplums.co.uk (contains mild adult content ie lingerie and toys)


All feedback welcome!


All the best





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