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First Paying Customer - PAYPAL - Oh The Shame....


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I have just had my first email telling me that I have had a transaction via paypal from my store...

The day I have been waiting for for so long...


With great antisipation I opened the email and awaited its loading to see who and how much...

After that, I, with much eagerness logged into my Business Verified UK paypal account to see this transaction in all its glory only to find a nasty colum in my transaction log called FEE!


After much head scratching I decided to check out this FEE thing and to my horror discovered that my first profits were taken as a fee for the transaction being below $2.00 a fee of $0.05 or %5..


Oh my heart sank...

My stock is that of clips for mobiles... my motto is cheap but lots.. so I retail them starting at ?0.01 which will attract many people of course..

Paypals motto is that of who cares, large transactions please..


So it would seem like micropayments are a curse.. I now have to add an additional ?0.10 or 5% transaction fee to orders to cover this.

Blowing a hole in my cheap encourages many customers idea :(



Oh Paypal..... :blush:


Further to this..


I emailed Paypal last night to ask them what could be done as all my payments would be absorbed as fees..

Their response time was good.. they said I needed to set up a second Business Verified Paypal Account and then contact them and they would adjust it for micro and macro payments so I had to have 2 paypal accounts.. one for small price purchace transactions and one for regular transactions...


Tried to do this but all my accounts ie CC, Bank Account are currently associated with my already verified paypal account...




Nice one paypal :thumbsup:


I have of course emailed them back with this information and am awaiting their response which I shall post here.


Why am I noting this all here you all might ask.. well I thought it might prove as a usefull post for anyone else dealing with paypal and what they call Micro or Macro payments (Transactions less then a pre determined ammount by paypal) B)


Another Problem Has Dawned On Me Regaring This Paypal Macro / Micro Payments Issue.


Supposing I was to have two paypal accounts.. one for large payments and one for small...


How Am I supposed To Set One Paypal Account In Oscommerce For Small Payments And My Other Paypal Account For large Payments Or Orders Totaling Over The Small Payment Threshold???


Jeez Paypal.... Nothing Like Causing Grief.....


I think others should take notice of this!!!!!!!!


Gateway fees are just a part of doing business. The price of your item should reflect this cost and not be a "transaction fee" which I believe violates paypals TOS anyway.


Isn't being your own boss great! :P

Another Problem Has Dawned On Me Regaring This Paypal Macro / Micro Payments Issue.


Supposing I was to have two paypal accounts.. one for large payments and one for small...


How Am I supposed To Set One Paypal Account In Oscommerce For Small Payments And My Other Paypal Account For large Payments Or Orders Totaling Over The Small Payment Threshold???


Jeez Paypal.... Nothing Like Causing Grief.....


I think others should take notice of this!!!!!!!!


this can be done ... your paypal module would have to be customized, adding athreshold amount and a secondary paypal address.




addicted to writing code ... can't get enough of databases either, LOL!


my toolbox: Textpad - Compare and Merge - phpMyAdmin - WS_FTP - Photoshop - How to search the forum


Interactive Media Award July 2007 ~ category E-Commerce

my advice on the forum is for free, PMs where you send me work are considered consultation which I charge for ...


Sweet... Thats good to hear... At the minute I have had to impose a minimum order fee.. it seems to be acceptable in that a customer has returned and ordered even more, even with the min order fee :)


But I hate having those things imposed :(


Thats good news..


Although I feel that paypal should have allowed for small and large payments under one account :blink:


But it's good to know the solution isnt so hard :)


Thanks Monika...



The price of your item should reflect this cost and not be a "transaction fee" which I believe violates paypals TOS anyway.


What violates PayPals's TOS? My charging a minimum order fee to cover paypals transaction fee or them charging a fee?


I wasnt aware of this :o





//Question.. why do I have to spam the boards with double posts? I click edit on my last post.. I start to edit and when Ive done it tells me I don't have permission to do it... then it nicks the edit button altogether :\


What violates PayPals's TOS? My charging a minimum order fee to cover paypals transaction fee or them charging a fee?


I wasnt aware of this :o



//Question.. why do I have to spam the boards with double posts? I click edit on my last post.. I start to edit and when Ive done it tells me I don't have permission to do it... then it nicks the edit button altogether :\


I could be wrong, but I recall reading that merchants couldn't charge expressly for PayPal fees, Ie. "Paypal paments accepted, however you will be charged and additional 2.5% +$.30".


I took a look at the PP site and couldn't find any reference to this, so either I'm wrong or it's outdated information.


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