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mass delete customers


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can someone help me out with a query i can run. i had someone mass import customers into my database and they are all formatted wrong and it was basically done for mass emailings which doesnt need to be in our customer database to begin with.. so i want to run a query to delete all customers aded on a certain date. the date is 7/27/2006

so i just want to drop all those rows.

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Back up first. Using PHPMyadmin if you can sort them so that the old ones that need to be deleted show up first on the page you can "show" xxx number of rows and then delete everything that shows on the page. It might work.


Or export the file and use Excel to reformat them and then upload the file again.

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yea but there are like 15,000 customers i want out.. so i wanted to run an sql command... i know theres ways to do bulk queries and stuff i just can never figure out the proper way to write them.

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