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Check out problem - I'm stumped!! (060817 update)


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My checkout doesn't work! It worked with the 051117 update, but not the 060817.


I add an item to the cart


But when I try to check out, it says the cart is empty! But, I go back to a product description page, and the item is back in the cart!


When I login to my test account, it says the cart is empty, when I try to view my account, it says the cart is empty


I've been messing with this for days! Anyone have a clue or suggestion???


(I went back to the basic install code, with no contributions added in... just the generic items deleted and my items in the database. - and the checkout function is still broken..)


Help!! And thanks so much!


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Check includes/configure.php as it looks as if your http and/or https_cookie_domain setting is wrong - so it's losing the session trail.


They should either be just yourdomain.com or www.yourdomain.com - either way there's no http:// or https:// in them.



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Woo! I finally figured this out.. quite by accident.. It was the SSL setting!! It was incorrect and when I set it correctly, it went to the address verification screen!


Thanks Vger! I checked those out too..!!


On to the next problem....... ;)


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