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need help urgent!!! pls. can any one help me


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Hi, good day can anyone help me with my problems i have problems with my osc 2.2 MS2 (051113) then our host uses php 4. something version then they upgrade it to php 5.1.6. then when it is upgraded that causes the error to my osc site then i can't browse my categories or anylink it will be redirected to login page this is the error message displayed


"Warning: session_write_close() [function.session-write-close]: Your script possibly relies on a session side-effect which existed until PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised that the session extension does not consider global variables as a source of data, unless register_globals is enabled. You can disable this functionality and this warning by setting session.bug_compat_42 or session.bug_compat_warn to off, respectively. in /home/bagzbry/public_html/store/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 170"


dont know where to start.... need help ......:(

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You're only updated from November 12th, 2005. You have those updates, now you need the ones from June 8th (Update 060817). You can get it here: http://www.oscommerce.com/solutions/downloads


It will take a couple hours to change the 32 or so files manually that you have to change (less if you have little contributions, more if you have more), but it addresses a lot of security issues, and I believe your issue, as well.



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How To Make A Horrible OSC Website


my toolbox: All things WordPress-related - All things Adobe-related - PHP Designer 2007 - Codecanyon Junkie - Crimson Editor - Winmerge - phpMyAdmin - WS_FTP


my installed contributions: Category Banners, File Upload feature-.77, Header Tags, Sort_Product_Attributes_1, XSellv2.3, Price Break 1.11.2, wishlist 3.5, rollover_category_images_v1.2, Short_Description_v2.1, UPSXML_v1_2_3, quickbooks qbi_v2_10, allprods v4.4, Mouseover-effect for image-buttons 1.0, Ultimate_SEO, AAP 1.41, Auto Select State Value, Fast Easy Checkout, Dynamic SiteMap v2.0, Image Magic, Links Manager 1.14, Featured Products, Customer Testimonials, Article Manager, FAQ System, and I'm sure more ...

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Do the updates and see what happens. sessions.php on line 170? Sessions.php doesn't even have 170 lines. You should find out from your hosting company if Register Globals is enabled, and make sure your register globals in your php.ini are not set to 'off'.


If you choose to keep 'em on, you have to install the register globals patch: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2097/ ... But the updates I posted above should address this, but keep this in mind just in case.



Simple 1-2-3 Intructions on how to get, install and configure SSL


The Google Sandbox explained


Simple to follow instructions on how to change the look of your OSC


How To Make A Horrible OSC Website


my toolbox: All things WordPress-related - All things Adobe-related - PHP Designer 2007 - Codecanyon Junkie - Crimson Editor - Winmerge - phpMyAdmin - WS_FTP


my installed contributions: Category Banners, File Upload feature-.77, Header Tags, Sort_Product_Attributes_1, XSellv2.3, Price Break 1.11.2, wishlist 3.5, rollover_category_images_v1.2, Short_Description_v2.1, UPSXML_v1_2_3, quickbooks qbi_v2_10, allprods v4.4, Mouseover-effect for image-buttons 1.0, Ultimate_SEO, AAP 1.41, Auto Select State Value, Fast Easy Checkout, Dynamic SiteMap v2.0, Image Magic, Links Manager 1.14, Featured Products, Customer Testimonials, Article Manager, FAQ System, and I'm sure more ...

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