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Removing countries from database


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I want to thin out the country table ...I know I can do this through the admin interface but that will take forever. If I wanted to simply delete the ones I don't want directly using SQL, are there any foreign records I should be aware of?


Basically, I only want the US as a country.

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Instead of deleteing countries from the countries table - you can just modify the country dropdowns instead. This is done from /catalog/includes/functions/html_output.php.


To display all countries - but display United States as the first one in the list find this line:


$countries_array = array(array('id' => '', 'text' => PULL_DOWN_DEFAULT));


and change to this:


$countries_array = array(array('id' => '223', 'text' => 'United States'));


To only display United States only in the dropdown (i.e. your dropdown consists of one country) find this line:


$countries_array[] = array('id' => $countries[$i]['countries_id'], 'text' => $countries[$i]['countries_name']);


and replace with this:


$countries_array = array(array('id' => '223', 'text' => 'United States'));

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