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Manufactorers drop menu on left column.. how do I get it? (using an OSC template from TemplateMonster)


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Hopefully this is very straightfoward. I bought an OSC template from TemplateMonster, and everything is being customised very nice so far, except when I bought the template, the Manufactorers drop-down menu was not part of the design/navigation. Is their any way I can get this Manufactorers menu back for the left column of my site?

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The templates look nice because they are created by hardcoding everything in html - so much of the functionality of osCommerce is removed. That's what's happened to your Manufacturers box.



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I'm thinking some of the functionality for Manufactorers must work because on the advanced search page of my store you can still search by manufactorer and it works no problem. So if I can search by Manufactorer on the advanced search page, couldn't their be a way to take the coding from their and place it in the column_left.php?

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