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The e-commerce.

New site... nervously looking for feedback! :)


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Just a few things to start off:


- remove the top space abvoe the header. That is wasted space, which you can't afford to lose.


- I would make the image move visible. The visitor has to scroll down to see the first one (see above).


- convert the top->catalog in the breadcrumb to Home. You aren't using themboth and they are hurting your Page Rank by having them both there.


- your ebay link is broken.



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Very nice site! Very well done with a great mix of contributions.


You do have at least one mechanical problem (in addition to the eBay problem previously mentioned). If you add the star product to the shopping cart and hit Continue, my browser got lost and errored out. Also, when I added the star product to a cart with other products, the other products disappeared. And, it seems that when you use the Buy Now button from the product listings, it empties the cart. The Add-to-Cart button in individual product listings does seem to work. In any case, you have shopping cart issues.


Maybe you could put your star product in a top of the column right column info box (below the cart box). That would pull your featured products up so that they would be more visible. And, the star product would then be visible on all of your pages rather than just the home page.


Still, a wonderful job with a few issues to correct.



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Hey folks,


Put this Vintage Clothing website together for my sister... would be grateful for some feedback.




Go easy on me :-)


Thanks folks,







I think you have done really well are you a beginner, as i am an oscommerce virgin and just putting my site together, and would love to know how you went about it what tools did you use for editing the pages etc etc


Also how did you change the date settings add the paypal and ebay links etc





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Thank you so much folks.... that's a very encouraging start.


Yup, there are some problems with the Star Product - thanks for pointing it out.


The wasted header space is a very good point also, along with the top->catalog thing. How do I fix that by the way?


Thanks again folks

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re. the breadcrumb redundancy (Top, Catalog), I changed the following (note the comment preceding the code) in catalog/includes/classes/breadcrumb.php:


// 3/18/06 changed $i=0 to $i=1 to remove top from the breadcrumb trail


function trail($separator = ' - ') {

$trail_string = '';


for ($i=1, $n=sizeof($this->_trail); $i<$n; $i++) {



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re. the breadcrumb redundancy (Top, Catalog), I changed the following (note the comment preceding the code) in catalog/includes/classes/breadcrumb.php:


// 3/18/06 changed $i=0 to $i=1 to remove top from the breadcrumb trail


function trail($separator = ' - ') {

$trail_string = '';


for ($i=1, $n=sizeof($this->_trail); $i<$n; $i++) {




Thanks a million guys - I've fixed those problems now. Moving the star product box is gonna be a little more tricky, but I definitely think I'll put that on my todo list.


Thanks again folks.



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