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How to remove right column and center website ?


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I want to remove the right column, and center my website.

I managed to put my infoboxes on the left column.

How do you manage to remove the right one ?


My Osc works differently, but if I remember correctly look in catalog/index.php


look for and delete the following ...


<!-- right_navigation //-->
<?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'column_right.php'); ?>
<!-- right_navigation_eof //-->

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That's a darn good question, because the documentation tells me how to comment out infoboxes on the left but the example given in the documentation is totally different than the column_right.php file. I want to ditch my languages and currencies infoboxes and I am looking for text resembling this :

require(DIR_WS_BOXES. 'languages.php');

and I only see the "require" operator for shopping_cart.php and reviews.php.


Unless you mean to tell me it's not that simple because I need the languages and currencies infoboxes in order for customers to take proper steps to check out.


Thumbs down oscommerce. This should be easier.

If you say you can't do it, you're only fooling yourself.

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yay for forums; the answer for rhs infobox stuff is here:



It doesn't matter if you comment out "require" or "include". They both are commented out similarly.

If you say you can't do it, you're only fooling yourself.

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