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Stuck on install.php?step=2


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My installation procedure does not go on.

I cannot go further this point :


Clicking on "Continue" does not do anything (no error message, nothing).


I have uncommented the following in my .htaccess file


php_value session.use_trans_sid 0

php_value register_globals 1


Any help is wellcome.





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I just uploaded all the files, got thru the register globals issue, but now the installation stops at the second step, where you chose to import the catalog database and automatic configuration.

No errors are being reported, nothing happens. I have seen this posted by a couple other people, but not found a solution. Help!!!

thanks for the help.

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As most people start by saying: I'm a osCommerce novice..


I'm trying to install osC on a virtual server (uses Plesk 8.0 as a control panel), Apache 2 and Php 5. (I know that the recommendation is Php 4, I'm still still working on that part :) ). But the issue I am having is very early in the process. I can't get beyond the second install page (http://<my.domain.com>/catalog/install/install.php?step=2).


I tried changing the permissions on the configure.php files but nothing.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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were ??


I suppose you have register_globalls ON, or changed the files in order to have register_globalls OFF.

Next you will need register long arrays to be ON as well.


It must be done in php.ini, usually by the network adminstrator.


If thats a problem, you could add a line of text at the bottom of the file catalog/.htaccess:

php_value register_long_arrays 1


It did the job for me...

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I had the same problem on a local install on my Mac machine.


I just made the mods to the php.ini and all was ok.


Sorry, but can't help any further if you cannot mod php.ini



Rob Bell - Inspired Graphix

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someone ?????


antone ????

what we are doing? ?



Here's what I did to get past the issue:

0-Deleted the "catalog" directory and it's contents from my apache document root.

1-Made all the "Pre-installation" changes ( chmod configure.php files)


register_globals = On

register_long_arrays = On

in my /etc/php.ini file. Depending on how you installed yours might be somewhere else.

3-Added "php_value register_long_arrays 1" to the bottom of the .../catalog/.htaccess file.

4-Restarted my httpd daemon.

Hope this helps you.

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its in /etc/php.ini also you can get a contribution for register_globals which i suggest its very bad to have this On. I dont understand why Oscommerce has this On.


If you dont have your own server and your receiving this error; depending on host but you may be out of luck and find another host.

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Hi, where is the /etc/php.ini?? Ive searched high and low for it. I struggle to even get the install 1 page sorted!!


Ok you on a hosting company or you have your own host? /etc/php.ini you cant access that only host can and most likely they wont enable it since most likely your on shared. Ask your host.

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Cheers, i was rolling again until... I hit something else, this could be a hosting problem;


Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)


I presume that is what the message is. All my details are correct.





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