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Newbie question regarding Images


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Here's one that has probably been answered a hundred times but I'll give it a go anyway. I am in the process of setting up an osc store and the products I will be selling vary widely in shape and size. When I upload images of these items osc appears to try to make the images fit into the size specified in the "Small Image Width and Height" fields rather than just displaying the image as it is. I have tried setting the "Calculate Image Size" to true and setting the above fields to 0 but that just turns off the display altogether. I didn't find any reference to the latter field in the manual so I have humbly come here for some help. Are the "Small Image" fields used when the item is viewed by a customer or just in the preview area? So many questions, so little time. <sigh>


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In the Configuration / Images section, if you set the Widths to BLANK (not '0') osc will keep the height you specify and resize the width of the image to maintain the aspect ratio of your image.

Thank you great

Janet :thumbsup:

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