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PayPal IPN Error message 'unsupported characters'


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Hello everybody!



I am using the PayPal IPN Contribution for my Downloads shop. It works excellently, but for one little thing that scares customers away.


When the PayPal site starts after checkout, on the PayPal login screen the following error message is displayed:


Sie haben nicht unterst?tzte Zeichen in dieses Feld eingegeben.

Zurzeit stehen Schriftzeichen f?r folgende Sprachen zur Verf?gung:

Europ?ische Sprachen, Chinesisch, Koreanisch, Japanisch und

Thail?ndisch. Versuchen Sie es bitte erneut.


Loosely translated it says:


You entered unsupported characters in this field. At this time characters for the following languages are available: European languages, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Thai. Please try again.


Of course most customers do not try again :'(


I have searched the forum for an answer, but I only found an oblique reference to some $paypal_fields ... CHARSET on the German forum (which is down today :( ).


Tackling it from the PayPal side of things the only thing that raises my suspicion is that PayPal POSTs only use alphanumeric characters. Maybe there is a problem with the '@'-Symbol?


Does anybody have an idea how to suppress this error message or can give me more insight in what I need to do? Thank you!!!

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try this function about 2/3rds down the page...



I get the message often myself as I have an unsupported character in my name and my street address also. What is really surprising to me that I do not get it every time (not even on the same site), and that there is so little info on it in google - not to mention paypal itself.




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