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header errors


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I've been noticing with the most recent version of os that I have the following error display.


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/m/l/r/mlrmotorsports/html/catalog/includes/application_top.php:514) in /home/content/m/l/r/mlrmotorsports/html/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 33



Am I putting "my html header" in the wrong location? I always thought that my design should go in the application_top.php and the footer.php.


If I take out my html it works fine. Is there a way to stop this error. I've been to the knowledge base and looked up "headers already sent" and checked for spacing issues. I'm lost.

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I've been noticing with the most recent version of os that I have the following error display.


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/m/l/r/mlrmotorsports/html/catalog/includes/application_top.php:514) in /home/content/m/l/r/mlrmotorsports/html/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 33

Am I putting "my html header" in the wrong location? I always thought that my design should go in the application_top.php and the footer.php.


If I take out my html it works fine. Is there a way to stop this error. I've been to the knowledge base and looked up "headers already sent" and checked for spacing issues. I'm lost.



In a standard Osc installation the header is in virtually every file in the root directory. (not includes/application_top)


To allow me a single location for headers I changed the way that files are called in Osc, for you I loosely understand (never used it ) that there is a contrib called STS that allows for easy templating.

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To allow me a single location for headers I changed the way that files are called in Osc, for you I loosely understand (never used it ) that there is a contrib called STS that allows for easy templating.

You don't have to make changes as drastic as this - or go anywhere near STS. The problem is caused by erraneous whitespce in your code which just has to be removed for the problem to be solved. Check this out:




It refers to Geeklog - not OSC - but you'll get the idea ;-)

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