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how to remove admin product images


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I would like to NOT have product images show up on the admin side when I am editing the catalog because the images show at their original size and stretch the page, making it harder to work with. If I change the image settings under admin it also affects the images in the live catalog and they are displaying perfectly right now. I have a contrib installed (mini images) which displays the product image as a tiny thumb beside the product name in admin/catalog/ and that is all I need. How and where do I remove the code which displays the image on the right top side of the admin page? I am assuming this code is in the admin/includes/functions/html_output.php file under the image wrapper section but I don't know what to change there without messing up the image displays elsewhere in the admin section. I have searched the forums endlessly for a few days looking for an answer with no results.


I am using a heavily modded - but successfully so! - MS2, the html_output file is html_output.php,v 1.29 2003/06/25 20:32:44

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