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Product Attributes in admin/orders.php?


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This has probably been discussed before, but I could not find it through 15 minutes of searching :(. Is there any way to have the Product Attributes in admin/orders.php? The only place we are able to see it is when we receive emails.. but guess what, our email server went down, and I have no idea what my customers placed as their options! For example, someone ordered a product from us just a minute ago, but I have no idea which year car it was for, and what color, as admin/orders.php does not list the options/attributes. I had to go into phpMyAdmin to find out :angry:


If anyone has any help, I'd appreciate it!




GNV Motorsports

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This should be displaying in Orders. If it is not then something is wrong with your code. Have you installed any contributions that modify the order process?

Hmm, I have a few contributions, such as "Checkout without an account", discount coupons, and a couple more I believe, however, I am pretty sure it was doing this from the start, but of course, I could be wrong. I'll compare my code with the default orders.php and see what comes from that. Thanks for the heads up!



GNV Motorsports

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I just compared the two with a file comparison utility, and the only differences are:


1) a couple new rows and cells in the table.. both are clean and would not affect anything

2) an if command which is clean and self-contained.


Other than that, nothing. What else could cause it besides the coding on orders.php?


Thanks again,


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Well it may not neccessarily be related directly to the orders.php file. Products attributes are taken care of elsewhere in OSC - both on the admin side, the catalog site and in the database. Have you installed any contributions that touch on OSC Product Attributes?

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Well it may not neccessarily be related directly to the orders.php file. Products attributes are taken care of elsewhere in OSC - both on the admin side, the catalog site and in the database. Have you installed any contributions that touch on OSC Product Attributes?

No, I have not. I have installed:


-Also Purchased

-Purchase Without Account

-How Did You Hear about Us?

-Discount Coupons


AFAIK, none of those mess with the attributes.




if (isset($order->products[$i]['attributes']) && (sizeof($order->products[$i]['attributes']) > 0)) {

for ($j = 0, $k = sizeof($order->products[$i]['attributes']); $j < $k; $j++) {

echo '<br><nobr><small> <i> - ' . $order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['option'] . ': ' . $order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['value'];

if ($order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['price'] != '0') echo ' (' . $order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['prefix'] . $currencies->format($order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['price'] * $order->products[$i]['qty'], true, $order->info['currency'], $order->info['currency_value']) . ')';

echo '</i></small></nobr>';




That seems like it is the code for listing the attributes. I imagine that if command is always coming back negative.




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That seems like it is the code for listing the attributes. I imagine that if command is always coming back negative.

Agreed. Maybe try and trace it back down the line - before you get to orders. Do the options display in the shopping cart ?

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Agreed. Maybe try and trace it back down the line - before you get to orders. Do the options display in the shopping cart ?

Yeah, they do show in the shopping cart.


Thanks again,


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Hmm that is a weird one... My only other suggestion is to try the checkout pages - specifically checkout_process.php. Attributes show up right the way through the process - even on the Order Confirmation page so it's failing after that point which indicates a problem with the checkout process page.


Also - check this thread out - it's from CRE OSC but it might help:




good luck

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Hmm that is a weird one... My only other suggestion is to try the checkout pages - specifically checkout_process.php. Attributes show up right the way through the process - even on the Order Confirmation page so it's failing after that point which indicates a problem with the checkout process page.


Also - check this thread out - it's from CRE OSC but it might help:




good luck

Thanks! I appreciate your help. I'd like to add I edited that if statement and took it out, and then I had it echo sizeof($order->products[$i]['attributes']).. and came up 0. There definitely is a problem I have to look for. Anyways, thanks again for your help.

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$order->products[$i]['attributes'] is not set in admin/orders.php.


I checked checkout_confirmation, and it's the same code to display the options, and it IS SET AND WORKS. Now I'm really lost... <_<

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Also, it won't show the attributes/options in invoice's either.. so it must be a whole admin-side problem. Sorry for all the posts--I am pretty much thinking out loud. If anyone has any advice on this, please share.


Thanks again,


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Bump.. really need some more help with this issue.


Essentially, $order->products[$j]['attributes'] resolves to nothing but only in admin/. Adding ['value'], ['prefix'], etc, to the end also resolves nothing. Of course, it works on any page in the /catalog/ section. Has anyone ever had a problem like this or know what could be wrong?


Thanks in advance,


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