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how do I make the links work?


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I have sts 4.2 with HTC installed and working fine, (I think). I have managed to learn enough html and css to get this far. I have gone over the sts documentation a zillion times, I have read the sts 4 thread, I have tried everything my brain can come up with. My public site is gemanje.com, but I am working on http://gemanje.com/index.php?sts_template=myshop , to get it working before putting out to the public.

The myaccount, checkout (etc) links are referencing the index of gemanje.com, how do I tell them to go to the login page, checkout page etc? I thought that if I put the $variable in there, it would at least get me to the default osc layout, and I could figure it out from there. I don't understand how to get the myaccount functions (for example) to actually function.

Could someone point me to a step by step? Create *this* file, with *this* code, save it to *this* folder...? Is this the same procedure to use when I try to get my category links to work? Am I supposed to have a bunch of "index.account.php.html, index.bracelet.php.html" files? I don't understand the "index.php_11_22_33.html" in the sts doc. Do these numbers mean something? And is there somewhere I can find out what they mean?

Please be gentle, I am so frustrated. I am not a programmer or web page designer, and I do not have the kind of money that I have seen charged for design/implementation services. I am just about ready to give up and use the out of the box version with a few color changes.


This is my index.php.html code (index.html is the same):


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<html $htmlparams>
<?php DEFINE('STS_END_CHAR','#');?>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="includes/sts_templates/myshop/stylesheet.css">



<div id="bodywrapper">

<div id="headerlogo"></div>
<div id="toplinkbar">$myaccountlogoff#      	$cartcontents#          $checkout# </div>

<div id="maingoldwrapper">
  <div id="medallionwrapper">
	  <div id="innergoldwrapper">
		 <div id="contentwrapper">

<div id="nav">
			<li id="link1"><a href="includes/sts_templates/myshop/index.html" id="active">home</a></li>
			<li id="link2"><a href="includes/sts_templates/myshop/necklaces.html">necklaces</a></li>
			<li id="link3"><a href="includes/sts_templates/myshop/bracelets.html">bracelets</a></li>
			<li id="link4"><a href="includes/sts_templates/myshop/earrings.html">earrings</a></li>
			<li id="link5"><a href="includes/sts_templates/myshop/sets.html">sets</a></li>
			<li id="link6"><a href="includes/sts_templates/myshop/info.html">info</a></li>
			<li id="link7"><a href= ?gemanje.com/includes/languages/english/contact_us.php?>contact</a></li>
</div>  <!-- end nav box -->	

<div id="content"><div align="center">


		</div>   <!--  end content box  -->

		   			</div> <!-- end contentwrapper -->
			 </div>	<!-- end innergoldwrapper -->
	 </div>	  <!-- end medallionwrapper -->
	 </div>		<!-- end maingoldwrapper -->

</div>		   <!-- end bodywrapper -->
<div id="footerbar">Copyright Anjelina Charme <br> Powered by <a href=oscommerce.com>Oscommerce</div>



I sincerely appreciate any help,



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