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Creating A New Box


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I'm having some trouble creating a new box and was wondering if someone could help.


I need to build a box to hold the remote invocation code from phpAdsNew


I tried editing curencies but It wouldnt let me ad the script code, it kept putting it outside the box instead of inside.


If anyone can lend a hand for 5 - 10 mins maybe via email or something Id be truly greatful.


Ok heres what I did..


I got currencies and edited it till there was just this code left:

<!-- currencies //-->
$info_box_contents = array();
$info_box_contents[] = array('text' => BOX_HEADING_CURRENCIES);

new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, false);
new infoBox($info_box_contents);
<!-- currencies_eof //-->


Then I added my remote invocation code after the last closing PHP tag, but that puts the ads outside of the currencies box.


If I put my code before the closing PHP tag, the closing PHP tag becomes invalid and I get Invaid Syntax Arguments appear instead of the box.


Any Ideas? Id actually prefer a box from scratch but I can make do with an edited currencies box for now...


Thanks peeps :) :) :)


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