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No Shipping Charge???


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did it used to work? if it used to work and you have just installed a contribution or made any changes undo them (always make a backup before maing any changes)


if its a new install and it doesn't work then one of the following should rectify the problem....


do you have any shipping modules installed (admin-->modules-->shipping)?


if they are installed they will have a sort order showing


if you have at least one shipping module installed then it may need to be reconfigured as some of them can be set to be available to particular zones only... zones are created in admin--> locations/taxes --> tax zones (remember to put some countries into your zone, and you need to set your shown zone in admin --> configuration)


the customers countries also affects this.....


as far as i know, if shipping is unavailable to a zone where the customer is based it will say something like "shipping unavailable" on the shipping page



ps.... do you go through checkout shipping and then onto checkout confirmation or not? its unclear from your post...

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ok well the problem im havingis when you go to checkout complete the OSC part and then go to paypal to send money the shipping charge is not sent to it only the product charge so say the product is 11.99 and shipping 3 dollars i only get 11.99 noi shipping charge

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If you are using table rate or Percentage you need to set it up at paypal.


Login to Paypal.


Go to Profile on right side.


Under Selling Preferences Click on Shipping Calculations.


Then setup shipping on that page to match what you have shipping setup on your store.



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