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Adding an image on home page


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I need to add a image in the main body of my home page but for the life of me I can't figure out how to do it. The image is uploaded and saved under images. What html do I use to link to it?? My site has just gone live so I need to get it in there. Thanks in advance!

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Could you explain how you did it.

I also want to include 3 other images in a table.

Do you have several languages? If yes, how did yu manage to do so?



If you haven't done so, go to your includes/english/ folder and open the index.php file




look for the code that starts with this define('TEXT_MAIN'


you can add a table an image, pretty much your own html. When you're done it should look like this


define('TEXT_MAIN','The Quick brown fox jumps over');





<table width="100% cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">



Your text here





<img src="You Image here">





Hope this helps; :thumbsup:

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  • 2 months later...

You can insert the code anywhere inside the text_main: ('TEXT_MAIN',' YOUR TEXT GOES HERE ');

This page is located at: includes/english/index.php


but there are a lot of options with images.


<img alt="youralternativetext" width="yourwidth" height="yourheight" border="yourborder" src="yourpic.gif">


The only one you need is src="", but to be proper to w3c standards you really need to have an alt.

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