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The e-commerce.

extra images


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I am installing the contribution of extra images, but on having wanted to load the information on the db it throws the following mistake:




consulta SQL: Documentaci?n


INSERT INTO configuration


'', 'Display Extra images (on products_info)', 'DISPLAY_EXTRA_IMAGES', 'true', 'Display Extra images', 1, 87, '2005-11-17 17:20:36', '2005-10-20 17:40:05', '', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'false\', \'true\'),'



MySQL ha dicho: Documentaci?n

#1264 - Out of range value adjusted for column 'configuration_id' at row 1


The file sql that I want to load contains this:


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS products_extra_images;

CREATE TABLE products_extra_images (

products_extra_images_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

products_id int(11) default NULL,

products_extra_image varchar(64) default NULL,

KEY products_extra_images_id (products_extra_images_id)



INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Display Extra images (on products_info)', 'DISPLAY_EXTRA_IMAGES', 'true', 'Display Extra images', 1, 87, '2005-11-17 17:20:36', '2005-10-20 17:40:05', '', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'false\', \'true\'),');


That is what fails?


Sorry for my bad english sad.gif


Regards, cucu.

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