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Help to tweak admin/categories.php


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Hi all, In my usual hack and slash way I thought I could make some tweaks to the categories db. I was trying to add a category description and keywords to the categories_desc table.


I jumped into phpMyAdmin and added the text fields for the new description and keywords and got inxed.php working so that it checks for a description and adds this text between the subcategories and the product lists. I will also add this to the meta tag description too along with the category keywords from the new table entry.


Now up to this point it all works fine! Jobs a gooden!


I wade into admin/categories.php so that I can add the ability to define these two new fields within the admin control panel and thats where I just got lost!


Can anyone give me some pointers to where I should be looking to make tweaks and changes in this file ? I thought it would stand out as a few lines to copy and edit and fields added to sql statements in this file but I m just lost.


Note: I only appear to have enable/disable categories mod affecting this file.


Thanks in advance for any help.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I thought I had nearly cracked it - and then just as I got confident and tried to add some extra information it all falls apart!


Can anyone offer a reason why the categories_name, catergories_keywords and categories_desc all works but categories_pageDesc doesnt always seems to result as NULL ?


The code:


$category_query = tep_db_query("select cd.categories_name, cd.categories_desc, cd.categories_keywords, cd.categories_pageDesc, c.categories_image from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c, " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " cd where c.categories_id = '" . (int)$current_category_id . "' and cd.categories_id = '" . (int)$current_category_id . "' and cd.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'");

$category = tep_db_fetch_array($category_query);

if ($category['categories_name'] != NULL) {
		define('INDEX_META_TITLE', 'Craftables craft shop category: ' . $category['categories_name']);
} else {
		define('INDEX_META_TITLE', 'Craftables: Online card and craft supplies');
if ($category['categories_desc'] != NULL) {
		define('INDEX_META_DESCRIPTION', $category['categories_desc']);
} else {
		define('INDEX_META_DESCRIPTION', 'Supplying paper, card, embellishments, card kits, accessories and more for card-makers and scrappers! Stockists include Bazzill Basics, Making Memories, Dovecraft, Trimcraft and Me and My Big Ideas');
if ($category['categories_keywords'] != NULL) {
		define('INDEX_META_KEYWORDS', $category['categories_keywords']);
} else {
		define('INDEX_META_KEYWORDS', 'card, craft, supply, craftables, making, memories, bazzill, basics, kits, online, shop, embellishments, fiber, ribbon, stickers, peel-offs, envelopes, toppers, beads, glitter');



			echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10');
		if ( $category['categories_pageDesc'] != NULL ) {
		echo '<tr><td class="main"><b>' . $category['categories_name'] . ':</b>??' . $category['categories_pageDesc'] . '</td></tr>';
		echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10');


One issue I have noted is in the creation of the table in phpmyAdmin. When creating the categories_desc initially I created it as text field, NULL-able and default as NULL. All is well. Later when (I thought) I went through the same process for the categories_pageDesc; text field, NULL-able and default as NULL. However browsing the table all the categories_desc fields are all blank, but all the categories_pageDesc fields are all populated with NULL. Even so, after getting the admin to update these fields within the categories pages I update a category with pageDesc information (after checking in phpmyAdmin the field has been updaed from NULL to the text I entered) but when trying to load the text onto the index page it alway tests as NULL!


Can anyone pick up where I can going wrong ?


Thanks in advance for ANY reply on this thread other than me! ;)

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