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The e-commerce.

Linking Categories / Products


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I have been able to customize the header and footer and some and link to body area.


Q 01 - Can I create links within the 'column_left.php' that links directly to a product page and NOT the catergories page? And how will that effect, if any, my Admin > Catalog > Categories / Products area?

How would I then add products to the admin and have them sit within a product page?


(basically I dont want the folder like menu that the OS comes with, but simple clicking on a menu item and going to that product page listing the products within that section) hope that clear?



Q 02 - How do I setup the products page to be 3 column instead of horizontals products? Which page do I emend?


Q 03 - Also I want the menu ('column_left.php') to have a bgimage that runs right down the page to the footer, instead of having the bgimage from the page showing through?



Q 04 - When I go to a product page 'Manufacturer Info', 'Notifications', 'Tell A Friend' appear in the 'column_left.php' area even though I have taken these out of the 'column_left.php'. How do I get rid of them?

They seem to only show up on the product pages.


Hope all of the questions are clear enough.

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