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Broken padlock issue with SSL and how to solve it


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Hi @ll,


I'm not looking for help. I'd rather like to give some hint on how to solve the broken padlock issue after installing a new SSL certificate.


It took me a few hours to figure out (with the help of Google and several forum threads).


This is how my shop is set up:





In my stylesheet.css I had some absolute addresses for my background images when I applied my design.

Changed it now from url(http://www.myshop.com/catalog/images/picture.gif) to url(images/picture.gif).


Still got insecure items on my pages (ie. login.php). After another hour reading I figured that it's my Google Analytics script in the footer. Logged into my Analytics account, changed the profile settings to obtain the correct code for https://myshop.com (if you can't find it, just enter SSL in the help there). Copied this into my footer and added an if-statement (if page to load is SSL, use SSL google script, otherwise use non SSL google script). This applies to any kind of external counter or tracking service.


And that's it. Everything works fine, packlock is closed on SSL pages and disappears on nonSSL pages. Just as it should.


Thought I'll let you know.



The First Law of E-Commerce: If the user can't find the product, the user can't buy the product.


Feedback and suggestions on my shop welcome.


Note: My advice is based on my own experience or on something I read in these forums. No guarantee it'll work for you! Make sure that you always BACKUP the database and the files you are going to change so that you can rollback to a working version if things go wrong.

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