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The e-commerce.

When making a change in Main Text of Homepage


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I made a change in TEXT_MAIN, deleting osCommerce text and putting in my own. To my horror, I got a blank homepage. I don't get it. :'(


This is what the change looks like. Do you see anything wrong? It looks right to me.


define('TEXT_MAIN', 'Welcome to my site.');

define('TABLE_HEADING_NEW_PRODUCTS', 'New Products For %s');

define('TABLE_HEADING_UPCOMING_PRODUCTS', 'Upcoming Products');

define('TABLE_HEADING_DATE_EXPECTED', 'Date Expected');

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You may have uploaded the changed index.php file into the root instead of into the english directory.




No, I uploaded into the English directory. I found out from my server support that there's a parsing error on line 19 of the index file. I'm still waiting for the fix, got impatient and decided to just re-install osCommerce and start over again. (sigh)

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