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paypal "auto return" problem


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I currently use the paypal module provided by osc and there has been that problem where if the customer does not return to the merchant, i am unable to view their order. One of the contributions stated that I go to the paypal.com's "website payment prefferences" and turn on autoreturn and put the return address as: http://(mysite)/checkout_process.php. Well I noticed that when I buy as a paypal member using my paypal account, it redirects me fine. However when i buy as a nonmember using the credit card feature in paypal, it does not return me back to the website. Instead it has a view transaction screen with a button "return to merchant". However, my customers might get confused and think the transaction is done and close the window. How can I get autoreturn feature for non paypal members??? thanks. help is much appreciated.

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  • 6 months later...

I don't know if you've solved your problem yet but I've tested the autoreturn as a new paypal user (i.e. by entering new credit card details and new email address, and creating an account "on the fly") and it DOES autoreturn me. Are you still having the issue? Has PayPal changed the way they deal with this situation since you posted perhaps?

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