Guest Posted August 22, 2006 Posted August 22, 2006 Hi, I'm trying to add this script and images to the catalog page to place it under (welcome guest) and to be on top of new products for this month, but when I place it the way it is I keep getting an error, I set up the layout in frontpage, do I have to modify or add something to it? I'm not sure ...........any help is greatly appreciated.........thank you. :) this is it: <div style="position: absolute; width: 630px; height: 248px; z-index: 2; left: 178px; top: 158px; background-color:#FFFFFF" id="layer2"> <div style="position: absolute; top: 1px; left: 117px; width: 300px; height: 46px; z-index: 6"> <p style="margin-top: -17px; margin-bottom: -5px">????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? <img border="0" src="the-finest.jpg" width="300" height="46"></p> </div> <p style="margin-top: -6px; margin-bottom: -5px">??????? </p> <div style="position: absolute; width: 223px; height: 175px; z-index: 1; left: 377px; top: 23px" id="layer4"> <img border="0" src="chad-&-abe.jpg" width="225" height="176"></div> <div style="position: absolute; width: 273px; height: 124px; z-index: 2; left: 178px; top: 51px" id="layer5"> <ul> <li> <p style="margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 0px"> <font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000000">Highest Quality Guaranteed</font></li> <li> <p style="margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 0px"> <font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000000">Lowest Prices on the web</font></li> <li> <p style="margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 0px"> <font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000000">Free Water Proofing</font></li> <li> <p style="margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 0px"> <font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000000">Free Protective coating </font></li> <li> <p style="margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 0px"> <font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000000">Life time Guarantee</font></li> </ul> </div> <p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">?</p> <div style="position: absolute; width: 630px; height: 58px; z-index: 3; left: -1px; top: 211px" id="layer6"> <hr> <p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><!--[if gte vml 1]><v:shapetype id="_x0000_t136" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="136" adj="10800" path="m@7,l@8,m@5,21600l@6,21600e"> <v:formulas> <v:f eqn="sum #0 0 10800"/> <v:f eqn="prod #0 2 1"/> <v:f eqn="sum 21600 0 @1"/> <v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @2"/> <v:f eqn="sum 21600 0 @3"/> <v:f eqn="if @0 @3 0"/> <v:f eqn="if @0 21600 @1"/> <v:f eqn="if @0 0 @2"/> <v:f eqn="if @0 @4 21600"/> <v:f eqn="mid @5 @6"/> <v:f eqn="mid @8 @5"/> <v:f eqn="mid @7 @8"/> <v:f eqn="mid @6 @7"/> <v:f eqn="sum @6 0 @5"/> </v:formulas> <v:path textpathok="t" o:connecttype="custom" o:connectlocs="@9,0;@10,10800;@11,21600;@12,10800" o:connectangles="270,180,90,0"/> <v:textpath on="t" fitshape="t"/> <v:handles> <v:h position="#0,bottomRight" xrange="6629,14971"/> </v:handles> <o:lock v:ext="edit" text="t" shapetype="t"/> </v:shapetype><v:shape id="_x0000_s1025" type="#_x0000_t136" alt="All Products are available in 14K Yellow Gold, 14K White Gold & Sterling Silver" style='width:421.5pt;height:13.5pt' fillcolor="#369" stroked="f" strokecolor="#930"> <v:shadow on="t" color="black" opacity="52429f" offset="0,0" offset2="-6pt,-4pt"/> <v:textpath style='font-family:"Times New Roman";font-size:10pt;v-text-kern:t' trim="t" fitpath="t" string="All Products are available in 14K Yellow Gold, 14K White Gold & Sterling Silver"/> </v:shape><![endif]--><![if !vml]><img border=0 width=562 height=18 src="index35_files/image001.gif" alt="All Products are available in 14K Yellow Gold, 14K White Gold & Sterling Silver" v:shapes="_x0000_s1025"><![endif]></div> <div style="position: absolute; width: 281px; height: 96px; z-index: 4; left: -3px; top: 168px" id="layer8"> <p align="left">? <div style="position: absolute; width: 29px; height: 67px; z-index: 1; left: 2px; top: -170px" id="layer9"> <p align="center">? <script language="JavaScript1.1"> //Picture Cube slideshow - By Tony Foster III //Modifications by JK //Visit JavaScript Kit ( for script var specifyimage=new Array() //Your images specifyimage[0]="dt.jpg" specifyimage[1]="711.jpg" specifyimage[2]="714.jpg" specifyimage[3]="544.jpg" specifyimage[4]="dt11.jpg" specifyimage[5]="523.jpg" specifyimage[6]="524.jpg" specifyimage[7]="525.jpg" specifyimage[8]="526.jpg" specifyimage[9]="532.jpg" var delay=5000 //5 seconds //Counter for array var count =1; var cubeimage=new Array() for (i=0;i<specifyimage.length;i++){ cubeimage=new Image() cubeimage.src=specifyimage } function movecube(){ if (window.createPopup) cube.filters[0].apply() document.images.cube.src=cubeimage[count].src; if (window.createPopup) cube.filters[0].play() count++; if (count==cubeimage.length) count=0; setTimeout("movecube()",delay) } window.onload=new Function("setTimeout('movecube()',delay)") </script> <img src="512.jpg" name="cube" border=0 style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Stretch(stretchStyle='PUSH')" <p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF"><font face="arial" size="-2">This script provided by</font><br> </font> <font face="arial, helvetica" size="-2"><a href=""> <font color="#FFFFFF"></font></a></font></p></div></p> <p style="font: normal 11px Arial" align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">This script provided by<br /> </font> <a href=""><font color="#FFFFFF"></font></a></p></body></div> </div>
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