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is there a better credit card module...


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Is there a better credit card module than the one provided in osc. Preferabley one where the customer can choose which credit card to use. Help would be appreciated. thanks

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The credit card module just captures CC info and stores it for processing manually thru a terminal. It doesn't process the card. The other CC processing modules (Authorize.net etc) are set up to accept all different types of credit card. What types you accept is set up on their end - not OSC's.

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Have you looked at online payment gateways?


i.e. protx, authorize.net, paypal


Protx is really good, never looked into authorize but paypal accepts all credit cards and the customer doesnt have to have an account with them either and its free whereas protx is ?20 a month ontop of the transaction fees.

*WhAt HaVe I GoTtA Do*

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thanks for the replies. I'm actually using paypal right now but a lot of my customers think they have to become a member in order to use paypal. Although if you go to the paypal payment screen it gives u a choice of whether buying as a member or not, people aren't quite smart enough to get to that point. Is there a way to put a message or something on the osc payment screen that tells the customers that they dont need to be a paypal member in order to purchase?

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