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Error! Unable to determine the page link!!


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I am changing the server of our store, and have encountered a problem on the new server.


Some pages do not display correctly and have the error:



Unable to determine the page link!!


I believe the error is because the old oscommerce script relies on a session side-effect which existed until PHP 4.2.3.


BTW: register_globals is Off on the server. I believe register_globals was ON on the old server.


For example of the error, please see: https://node2.alpha.aussiehq.net.au:8443/si...lt.php?cPath=37


Can anyone assist?

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BTW: register_globals is Off on the server. I believe register_globals was ON on the old server.

Have you tried turning register_globals on? You should get an error message if it's required and not on but if that is the only real difference you have spotted then try there, you can always reverse it if it doesn't work but one way or another you would have eliminated it as a possibility.


Have you checked the links, could be that the links may be wrong. I couldn't access the page at the moment so you should provide more detailed information, e.g are they dynamic or fixed links, are you using session id's in the links or have sessions off and forced cookies on etc.

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You get the 'Unable to determine page link' if you have either 'Use Search Engine Friendly URL's' turned on or else 'Ultimate SEO URL's' installed on a server that doesn't support them.


If it was down to Register Globals being 'off' in php.ini then the message you'd see would be 'Register Globals is disabled in php.ini: please enable it'.



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