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email auto reply not working


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I have tried eveything with this....my form email on my contacts page won't autorespond my hosting site has checked, I have checked it even others have to no avail...I have it set to SMTP and CRLF I had it set to LF...It worked for like a day then poof again...any ideas

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I have tried eveything with this....my form email on my contacts page won't autorespond my hosting site has checked, I have checked it even others have to no avail...I have it set to SMTP and CRLF I had it set to LF...It worked for like a day then poof again...any ideas



Ok I got auto respond to work but the Welcome Letter for new customers still does not work nor the Send Mail in Admin...My host said Im missing mail.php in my phpMYadmin... and I have no idea how to put it there since I have never used phpMyadmin before.......any ideas...HHEELLLPPP

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