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Confused... zones, classes, rates... WTF?


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I'm trying to set up my taxes and I'm a little confuse as to what everything is. This is how I think it works out:


ZONES- This would be location. i.e. 'USA Colorado'


CLASSES- What is this for???


RATES- This is pretty obvious. But how do you set up different rates for states and cities? For example: CO TAX = 3.0% & Denver TAX = 2.8%. So The total tax would be: 5.8%


Can anyone shed any light on this?


Thanks very much! :thumbsup:

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  • 4 weeks later...

That article might be useful if it an any way related to the available version of OSC!!!


I have 3 shipping options none of which relate to zones or require tax being calculated at checkout................


All I want is shipping options to be displayed and offered as per the country of the account holder not by some arbitary "zone" which may be useful to US users. I my eyes this is a relatively simple and straight forward request of the software but it cant be achieved.


Please somebody tell me it can be achieved - and some hints on how to do it.


I'm pulling hair out at the moment.

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