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Help Customers Cant Sign in


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Major problem with regrds to customers being able to sign in.


the my account page currently links to




as i have enabled the SSL during the standard installation. The SSL is provided by my host.


However after trying to checkout and buy after registration i get a blank page when trying to sign in and the site takes me too




Which should by the start of the checkout process.


If i click on the back button, and go back to the demo screen i can see on the top right that the system logs me in (as i have a log off option), but then kicks me back out when i try and checkout, so i have to sign in again and i end up going in crcles without the ability to checkout.


The same thing happens if you add an item to cart, register and then click on continue, nothing just a blank screen.


I have set up a demo user for any one to try and see what i mean if they dont understand


username - [email protected]

password - 12345


The web addressis http://www.office2me.co.uk


This is not a live store (but is suppossed to be by the 1st of Sept)


So nothing will be billed or sent.


Please help becoming very fustrated.



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well seems the login process is correct. Something is going on specifically with your catalog\checkout_shipping.php script. Any mods you made there?

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I have switched the ssl option in configure.php to false and i am able to go through the checkout process, so it is definately the ssl which is causing the problem not allowing me to open the chekout_shipping.php.


Any ideas

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