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Would like to put my categories on my main page. How?


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I have searched through on the forums and I am probably missing it. I wourld like to put my product categories on my main page. How would I go about doing this or could someone point me to the proper thread on how to do it? Thanks!

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I have added it and it is working great! Thank you. I do have a question though, how can I make it larger? Right now it is looking rather squished and putting the photos out of shape. Thanks!

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You can change the size of the category images from the admin board:


Admin -> Configuration -> Images -> Subcategory Image Width + Subcategory Image Height

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Thank you once again! It worked like a charm!



You can change the size of the category images from the admin board:


Admin -> Configuration -> Images -> Subcategory Image Width + Subcategory Image Height

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  • 7 months later...

Quick question now:


The layout of this "main" box comes from the stylesheet. correct?

If so, how do I get rid of the box itself?


I am basically trying to create the same thing on the main page than I have when clicking on the sub-categories (no boxes, just thumbnails)...

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