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mysql5 causing new product_options formatting page issue


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My not so great hosting company upgraded mysql4 to version 5. (without telling me!!) I have now found the osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 051113 contrib with the mysql changes. Now my site is back functioning. Except for one minor problem I have found. When I am adding new products via the admin screens everything works fine. except when I product attributes. when I add attributes (volume discounts) the update works fine on the admin panel but the end result is the page is not formatting correctly anymore. My headers and left boxes are fine but my product description has a blank column like an extra td in front. This puts a blank column in front of my description and shifts everything to the right one column and the rest of the page is shifted over.


This only happens when I add product attributes. if no attributes the page is formatted fine. I've looked at the resulting source and can not figure out what is causing this.


I'm hoping someone else has come across this.


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My not so great hosting company upgraded mysql4 to version 5. (without telling me!!) I have now found the osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 051113 contrib with the mysql changes. Now my site is back functioning. Except for one minor problem I have found. When I am adding new products via the admin screens everything works fine. except when I product attributes. when I add attributes (volume discounts) the update works fine on the admin panel but the end result is the page is not formatting correctly anymore. My headers and left boxes are fine but my product description has a blank column like an extra td in front. This puts a blank column in front of my description and shifts everything to the right one column and the rest of the page is shifted over.


This only happens when I add product attributes. if no attributes the page is formatted fine. I've looked at the resulting source and can not figure out what is causing this.


I'm hoping someone else has come across this.



Still looking for help on this one ? any ideas?

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