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The e-commerce.

including users password in welcome email, how ?


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we have 'closed' oscommerce shop where users are pre-created by the shop owner before they can use the shop;


what's the easiest way to include the users password in the welcome message ?

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we have 'closed' oscommerce shop where users are pre-created by the shop owner before they can use the shop;


what's the easiest way to include the users password in the welcome message ?


looking at the contribs, I guess this is the way to go:


"Welcome Email username & password"


(seems I should've checked the contribs better before asking... sorry)

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we have 'closed' oscommerce shop where users are pre-created by the shop owner before they can use the shop;

what's the easiest way to include the users password in the welcome message ?


OK, password/userid added using the contrib plugin, howvevr:


what's the correct way to include shop's url in welcome email ?

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<?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'My Website') . '">My Website</a>'; ?>



thanks, Stu


ahem... does this go in /catalog/create_account.php ? around which part ?

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