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Random invoices not showing items, just total and shipping


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This is a problem I've had since - forever. I guess I'm finally either fed up enough or curious enough to ask if anyone else had this problem and, if so, is there a way to fix it?


It is not consistent in any way that I can figure out. Essentially, orders process (although several have been hanging between PayPal and osc leaving status as 'Preparing via PayPal' lately) and when I check the invoice, there are no items listed. Just a total and shipping.


Fortunately, the basket contents are saved in PayPal so I can go back and get the info but it's really messing up all kinds of things, from inventory to my hair because I keep pulling it out every time this happens.


Again, it is random - sometimes it will affect three orders in a row, sometimes it won't happen for weeks, then there's one. Or another one. And it's not ones that get stuck in "Preparing" either. I've had the status go to Processing only to find out I have no idea what the person ordered.


:blink: I think it's making me nuts now!


Thanks for any help!



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