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Image Auto Resize, so all images same size


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Look in your admin configuration for images and set the size of the thumbnail to something applicable. It appears that this must be set very high to have gotten the large image on your front page or is that the template causing that.


Are you using a templatemonster template for your site?



My Toolbox: Crimson Editor, Adobe Photoshop CS2.0, Expression Web, Macromedia Suite 8.0, Cinema 4D, Nvu.

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why do you thnik it is the template, i had soemoen on here who knows what they are doing do a fresh install with the template from template monster, and there is still this problem with the images and currency on the home page, when if you look at the top, the only currency is GB Pound.

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is there a contribution, something called magick image or something? does this automatically resize all images and will it work with my website, www.djltrading.co.uk , could someone point out a link to the contribution and tell me how to easily install it. thanks

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