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The e-commerce.

Short Description - Bug


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Using the short description contribution here:




When a product has no description, the word "Array" is displayed as the short description rather than nothing.


Anyone able to solve it?





The only solution I can find is this:


for example for new_products:




FIND this (the code of contribution of query):


$sql = 'SELECT `products_description` FROM `products_description` WHERE products_id ='.$new_products['products_id'].' && language_id='.(int)$languages_id;
$description_query = tep_db_query($sql);
$description = mysql_fetch_array($description_query, MYSQL_ASSOC);		
$description['products_description'] = substr($description['products_description'], 0, 100);
$desc_len = strlen($description['products_description']);
$description['products_description'][$desc_len-1] = '.';
$description['products_description'][$desc_len-2] = '.';
$description['products_description'][$desc_len-3] = '.';



ADD AFTER, this:


$description['products_description'] = ereg_replace("(Array)", "", $description['products_description']);



(this replace "Array" by "": no appear description, but then need change "read more" by "more info" or similar)


edit file:





define('DESCR_READ_MORE', '<FONT color=blue>read more</FONT>'); // ... read more.




define('DESCR_READ_MORE', '<FONT color=blue>more info +</FONT>'); // ... read more.


and for other lenguage: espanol: leer más. Replace by: más info






Then in all modificated files that add short description ADD AFTER query:


$description['products_description'] = ereg_replace("(Array)", "", $description['products_description']);


This "delete" the Array word for products without description

but I think other can do better to resolve it

Edited by nicko107
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