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Hi Enigma1 are you around


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Hi Mark, sorry for calling you out by name, but you have helped me out something rotten so far with this shipping contrib.


I have created an overseas shipping module with 2 zones, first zone is for European Countries with all ISO codes listed, the second zone is a bucket zone, if not listed in Zone 1 it will be entered in Zone 2.


The problem I have, is that since its an overseas shipping contrib, my country GB is always shown up in Zone 2.


How would I go about excluding my country GB from being added to Zone 2.


Here is the zones.php file if needed (zip file)


Once again, really sorry for calling you out by name, I know how busy you are, the amount of time you spend helping out others is unreal.


Thank you once again.

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yes it's not going to work like this, you need to add some code in the constructor of the module to enable/disable the module based on zones. See how the usps is done. Once you have the code in you assign the zone to the shipping module.


I use the active countries so I can make any combination I want for the various zones instantly. And the I would assign the tax zone to the module. This will work for either payment or shipping modules.

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I tried this code and it seems to work


// class constructor
  function airmail() {
  global $order;
 $this->code = 'airmail';
  $this->icon = DIR_WS_ICONS . 'shipping_airmail.gif'; // upload icon to catalog/images/icon directory
 $this->enabled = ((MODULE_SHIPPING_AIRMAIL_STATUS == 'True') ? true : false);
 if ($order->delivery['country']['iso_code_2'] == 'GB')  {
 $this->enabled = false;

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