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pwa removing fields


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i am in the process of trying to create a very simple shop for a client.


the client wants to take payments paypal ONLY.


what i am wondering is if theres a way to remove some of the fields so they dont have to enter the same info twice. onve on my page and once on paypals. all i need really is first name, last name, and email for my site.


or even better narrowing those fields down to just those 3 and also removing the sign up and log in screens so i am only left with express checkout and also the 3 fields to complete.


the code i have found is <td class="main" valign="top"><?php echo tep_address_label($customer_id, $sendto, true, ' ', '<br>'); ?></td>


but have had no luck in changig any details..they allways say the same.


also if country is an sql/osc necessity is there a way of making united kingdom the defualt instead of select country.


sorry for all the querstions in 1 thread but it seems a waste to make 3 seperate ones..


thanks in advance

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ok after weeks of searching around the php's ive finaly found where to remove the fields.

i am hoping someone can put my mind at rest by answering the following.


how many fields are REQUIRED by the sql db


or can i safely remove ANY fields i like without messing up the DB. ie which is the primary key. even though paypal is takeing the order and shipping address etc i still need a record of who bought what.


the fields i really want are only

1. first name

2. second name

3. email addy


possibly useing the email addy as primary key and matching the first last name with the order taken from paypal.


the reason i ask is i saw a post somewhere about someone wanting to remove the country field and they was told that the DB depends on the field

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First PLEASE dont bump your post its against forum rules.


You may want to try using paypal IPN



As for the stock paypal loses orders when customers dont come back to your site even though they pay for it. Which leads you to dig for the oder to see what they really odered. I also think the info is passed for your site to paypal as well so I would use this contrib. Its highly recomended for any osC shop.



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i thought they fixed the comming back to shop bug..and thats the ipn i am using anyway


also thats not the question i asked lol.


i want to know what fields i can safely remove from the sign up page without messing the database up. i heard country was needed. basicaly all i want on the homepage is first name, last name and email addy.

i dont want to start removing fields only to find that it messes the whole site up

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