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The e-commerce.

How to let oscommerce to accept ; or ' ??


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I am using easypopulate, there would be error if the products decription have ; or ' symbols, have to delete those symbols manually, but are there any ways to let oscommerce to accept ; or '? thanks in advance!

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I am using easypopulate, there would be error if the products decription have ; or ' symbols, have to delete those symbols manually, but are there any ways to let oscommerce to accept ; or '? thanks in advance!


Preeceed with a "/" (or is it "\"?) ie. "Crusty/'s Magic Underwear"

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Preeceed with a "/" (or is it "\"?) ie. "Crusty/'s Magic Underwear"

Thanks Gary, that's ok if only got few products, but how about hundreds of products? it would be much time consuming work. are there any ways to setup in the database to allow the oscommerce accept the "/" or " ' "


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