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Hello Everyone, i'm new to these forums and after a fair amount of searching i couldn't find an answer to my question, so here it goes!


I like osCommerce, i like it a lot, but i haven't been able to figure out how to have a user "download", really be redirected to a download link, after they purchase. I see that if i enable all the downloading modules it allows me to download a file from the oscommerce filesystem off the server, but i want to have the download link in their account send them to another url for downloading. I know CubeCart can do this, and i REALLY don't want to use cubecart as i feel osCommerce is a better product overall, but please...can somone help me with this? I need this ASAP....please :(

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my toolbox: All things WordPress-related - All things Adobe-related - PHP Designer 2007 - Codecanyon Junkie - Crimson Editor - Winmerge - phpMyAdmin - WS_FTP


my installed contributions: Category Banners, File Upload feature-.77, Header Tags, Sort_Product_Attributes_1, XSellv2.3, Price Break 1.11.2, wishlist 3.5, rollover_category_images_v1.2, Short_Description_v2.1, UPSXML_v1_2_3, quickbooks qbi_v2_10, allprods v4.4, Mouseover-effect for image-buttons 1.0, Ultimate_SEO, AAP 1.41, Auto Select State Value, Fast Easy Checkout, Dynamic SiteMap v2.0, Image Magic, Links Manager 1.14, Featured Products, Customer Testimonials, Article Manager, FAQ System, and I'm sure more ...

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Although I'm not overly familiar with it, after reading the documentation, I'd assume so.





Simple 1-2-3 Intructions on how to get, install and configure SSL


The Google Sandbox explained


Simple to follow instructions on how to change the look of your OSC


How To Make A Horrible OSC Website


my toolbox: All things WordPress-related - All things Adobe-related - PHP Designer 2007 - Codecanyon Junkie - Crimson Editor - Winmerge - phpMyAdmin - WS_FTP


my installed contributions: Category Banners, File Upload feature-.77, Header Tags, Sort_Product_Attributes_1, XSellv2.3, Price Break 1.11.2, wishlist 3.5, rollover_category_images_v1.2, Short_Description_v2.1, UPSXML_v1_2_3, quickbooks qbi_v2_10, allprods v4.4, Mouseover-effect for image-buttons 1.0, Ultimate_SEO, AAP 1.41, Auto Select State Value, Fast Easy Checkout, Dynamic SiteMap v2.0, Image Magic, Links Manager 1.14, Featured Products, Customer Testimonials, Article Manager, FAQ System, and I'm sure more ...

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That contrib. only allows me to take out the quantity functions of os, commerce.


What i was looking for is something that has to do with the actual downloadable products function. I can add a product, then add the downloadable attribute, but if i up an http link in there (ie. http://www.site.com/myfileportal/) When a user completes a transaction and tries to download it, it won't let them...the download link is just text.

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