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What contribution should I choose to eliminate osCsid


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I have installed Ultimate_SEO_URLs and I try to eliminate osCsid. Can you recommend me contribution which cooperates with Ultimate_SEO version Chemo's Official v2.1d. Thank you for your help.

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look in catalog/includes/application_top.php


lines 131 to 146


// check if sessions are supported, otherwise use the php3 compatible session class
 if (!function_exists('session_start')) {
define('PHP_SESSION_NAME', 'osCsid');
define('PHP_SESSION_PATH', $cookie_path);
define('PHP_SESSION_DOMAIN', $cookie_domain);

include(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'sessions.php');

// define how the session functions will be used
 require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'sessions.php');

// set the session name and save path


Change the 2 occurrances to whatever you like

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I have also installed Ultimate SEO but the manufacturers links dont change correctly : they still have osCidblablablablablablabla in the link


thing is then im on a product page the link in other products from the same manufacturer is Correct !


Is there a fix for the manufacturers box also to work correctly ?

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I have also installed Ultimate SEO but the manufacturers links dont change correctly : they still have osCidblablablablablablabla in the link


thing is then im on a product page the link in other products from the same manufacturer is Correct !


Is there a fix for the manufacturers box also to work correctly ?


not sure who created this myth (you are not the only one implying a connection) but Ultimate SEO has nothing to do with osCid 's turning up or not.

Only your cookie acceptance has influence on that.

Treasurer MFC

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