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How to add dropdown boxes or additional text fields when checking out


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Here's basically what I need.


I'm selling stationery/invitations, and I'm trying to give customers a choice of what font they want, and what color font they want. I will also need a large text area for them to fill out other information about themselves for their stationery/invitations.


How can I add this so that when they are checking out (or add the item to their cart), they can input their choice of font, font color, and add info such as their event information, etc. for an invitation?


Do I need to provide more info in order for you to better understand what I'm wanting?

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You can use the options/attributes to do what you want for font choices or colors.

I would also suggest maybe installing http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,160 for text fields.

Wendy James


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