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HOW TO: Configure Email For Windows to Avoid Spam Blockers


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The problem with the default configuration of osCommerce and Windows is that you will get these hits from SpamAssassin:




To fix this, modify email.php send() function as follows:


at the top:

$from_name = $from_addr; //This fixes the issue where the function that calls us doesn't use From_Name


down by the actual returns:



//You can see that I added a date header. You can replace -0400 with whatever your GMT offset is.

//-0400 is Eastern Time.

//You will also see that I doubled the "from" header. Windows' MTA uses the first from for sending,

//but the second from includes a "Real Name" which is important to SpamAssassin.


if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'smtp') {

return mail($to_addr, $subject, $this->output, 'Date: ' . date('D, d M y H:i:s') . ' -0400' . $this->lf . 'From: ' . $from_addr . $this->lf . 'From: ' . $from . $this->lf . 'To: ' . $to . $this->lf . implode($this->lf, $this->headers) . $this->lf . implode($this->lf, $xtra_headers));

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