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How to move new products module to top of index.php


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I have "How to care for Bonsai Trees", on the front page. How do I display the text UNDER the New Products Module? Or how do I add a menu listing to the bottom right, where the privacy/shipping/conditions are, and a new page for ,"Bonsai Care"?




Thanx all...



Doug :rolleyes:

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I have bee working on this for about an hour and cannot figure out how to do it without using the STS template add-in. I figure an hour of trying is good enough to tell you to install STS :)



BACKUP your current files before editing. Did I mention to BACKUP your current files, first?


"I'm not a hero, I'm a firefighter; it is my job to save lives. I'm a Jesus Christ Firefighter saving souls from the flames!"


Installed contribs: Almost XP Buttons *** Attribute Sort *** Auto Thumbnail Change *** Column Product Listing (for SPPC v4.0) *** Contact Us Registered *** Country-State Selector 1.3.3J *** CC# Db Mask 1.3 *** Email Order Clickable Link *** Extra Images *** Linkpoint API CVM *** Loginbox Best *** New Spiders *** New Attrib Mgr v.5.0 w/ New Attrib Include *** Multi Product Update *** MySQL Cron *** Pricing per Category *** Product Listing in Columns v2.2 [later upgraded to CPL(SPPC)] *** Product Sort v1.6 *** Seperate Pricing Per Customer v4.15 *** Simple Down for Maintenance [Gokou] *** Ultimate_SEO_URLs_v2.2.2 *** UPS Worldship Export 1.3 *** Welcome Email username & password

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Moving things is not that difficult.

Open your index.php file and look for

		<td><?php include(DIR_WS_MODULES . FILENAME_NEW_PRODUCTS); ?></td>

it will be near the bottom of the page.

Now to get your text moved below that find

		<td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_MAIN; ?></td>

which should be right above the first part of code I had you look for and move that below that first bit of code...


That is if you have edited the language file to add the text. If you used a different contribution you will need to find the code you added for the contribution.


To add a new page and then link it to the information box you can either install a contribution like extrapages infobox or follow these instructions... http://www.oscommerce.info/kb/osCommerce/C...g_Area/Boxes/49

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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Wow.... we finally get some REAL help in here. :) Thanks Wendy.


At least I tried to help :)

BACKUP your current files before editing. Did I mention to BACKUP your current files, first?


"I'm not a hero, I'm a firefighter; it is my job to save lives. I'm a Jesus Christ Firefighter saving souls from the flames!"


Installed contribs: Almost XP Buttons *** Attribute Sort *** Auto Thumbnail Change *** Column Product Listing (for SPPC v4.0) *** Contact Us Registered *** Country-State Selector 1.3.3J *** CC# Db Mask 1.3 *** Email Order Clickable Link *** Extra Images *** Linkpoint API CVM *** Loginbox Best *** New Spiders *** New Attrib Mgr v.5.0 w/ New Attrib Include *** Multi Product Update *** MySQL Cron *** Pricing per Category *** Product Listing in Columns v2.2 [later upgraded to CPL(SPPC)] *** Product Sort v1.6 *** Seperate Pricing Per Customer v4.15 *** Simple Down for Maintenance [Gokou] *** Ultimate_SEO_URLs_v2.2.2 *** UPS Worldship Export 1.3 *** Welcome Email username & password

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