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Enable Credit Card Module


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Sorry about the noob question here but can't find the info i'm looking for.


after i Enable the Credit Card Module. now it shows up while in check out but how do i know it's working like it should and is paying the right person or place. any info would be great.

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Alll the credit card module does is accept the payment information. You have to take that and do the actual charge. You will need a credit card terminal or access toa virtual terminal through some company. For statup-shops, that is an expensive way to go. Generally, using the Paypal module is better.



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I use Linkpoint and like it a lot... it costs $150 to set it up, but Linkpoint has support for the osCommerce module AND whenever a customer places their order, Linkpoint also places the order in the osCommerce orders and empties the shoppers' cart.


Paypal... well just search the forums for putting the orders in the osCommerce order section.

BACKUP your current files before editing. Did I mention to BACKUP your current files, first?


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